Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Bowl Sunday!

With apartment searching and the class structure out of the way, I think I finally found a church here.

Unfortunately, I did not wake up early enough to go today but I am excited to see what will unfold at services starting next week. 

Also, after looking at the website, one thing that I want to try out at least once is the homeless feeding. 

We will see how it goes but it will be interesting to attend church service here in Ireland.

Today was also a day that I finally cooked my first meal here. It was homemade bread (made by my roommate) and an omelet.

I honestly think it has been almost two months since I last cooked so it was weird making a dish once again.

Also, my roommates are cooking an Irish dish tonight so it will be grand to see what they whip up in the kitchen.

As for the rest of tonight, it is officially Super Bowl Sunday!

The name of the place that I am going to watch the event at is called The Bleeding Horse and the Super Bowl begins at 11:30 PM here. It is really weird seeing the times in the U.S. and then adjusting to this time zone whether it is from the Eastern, Central, or Pacific time zone. 

It's really simple whom I want to win... the Baltimore Ravens. I really want to see Ed Reed finally win a Super Bowl not only because he is a great player but because he is from the University of Miami. Also, any Purdue fans that are undecided, you should root for Baltimore because they have Bernard Pollard on the team.

Also, the rumor is that we will not be able to view the commercials for the game.... I am not sure how I feel about this but I am all for new experiences haha. 

Anyway, have fun eating tonight, do not kill anyone over the game (it's just a game...kinda), and, if you do not care, watch and enjoy the commercials. Cheers!

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